Hey there! :) I'm Khalliys (she/her), an artist and full-time freelancer from Germany.
If you find my art appealing and would like to commission me, you can contact me via e-mail or message me on my socials.
Below you can find prices and some general information on my commission process.

Hey there! :) I'm Khalliys (she/her), a queer artist and full-time freelancer from Germany.
If you find my art appealing and would like to commission me, you can contact me via e-mail or message me on my socials.
Below you can find prices and some general information on my commission process.
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Commissions are currently open!
What do I draw?
Flat Color Illustration
Digital drawing of a single character with line-art and color, no shading and no background.
- an additional character in the same illustration costs roughly -25% of the single character price.
- you can also request a simple background, which can be some broad brush-strokes or an out-of-focus photo-manipulation.
- or a more detailed background for an extra charge that depends on its complexity.
50,- €
Additional Character +35 € each
Simple Background +15 €
70,- €
Additional Character +50 € each
Simple Background +15 €
90,- €
Additional Character +65 € each
Simple Background +15 €
Joomla Gallery makes it better. Balbooa.com
Character Illustration with shading
Digital drawing of a single character with line-art and color, soft or hard shading and no background.
- an additional character in the same illustration costs -20% of the single character price
- you can also request a simple background, which can be some broad brush-strokes or an out-of-focus photo-manipulation with some lighting effects
- or a more detailed background for which the extra charge depends on its complexity
70,- €
Additional Character +50 € each
Detailed Background +50 - 80€ €
95,- €
Additional Character +70 € each
Detailed Background +70 - 120€ €
120,- €
Additional Character +90 € each
Detailed Background +100 - 250 €
Joomla Gallery makes it better. Balbooa.com
Character Illustration, semi-realism
- an additional character in the same illustration costs -20% of the single character price.
- you can also request a more detailed background for which the extra charge depends on its complexity
150,- €
Additional Character +120 € each
Detailed Background +50 - 80€ €
200,- €
Additional Character +160 € each
Detailed Background +70 - 120€ €
250,- €
Additional Character +200 € each
Detailed Background +100 - 250 €
Joomla Gallery makes it better. Balbooa.com
These prices are for non-commercial usage only. You are not allowed to use an illustration I made for you for monetary means, advertisment purposes, re-sell the illustration(s), sell prints of the illustration(s) or put them on a product to sell, unless we have made special arrangements. Copyright and related rights to the illustration(s) will always stay with me.
About my process - short info
You provide me with a detailed description of what you want, or a rough idea that we can discuss, reference pictures if you have them, a due date if there is one, preferably a budget/price range.
I provide you with an invoice via paypal after we settled on all the details, a time-estimate, a first rough sketch after payment. After approval, you receive either the finished commission, or - if it's more complex or very specific - you can request work in progress screenshots during the process before you receive the finished commission.
Requesting little tweaks and some changes is absolutely okay, but if it ends up being many changes or even re-draws I may charge extra if it considerably exceeds my initial work/time estimate.
More in depth info
There are several ways to go about a commission. If you already know exactly what you want, please provide me detailed information of what that is and how you want it to look (style, mood, character-posture, body language, expression, etc.) and - if available - reference pictures. Rough stick figure sketches are also really handy for me, if you have something very specific in mind!
If there are things you aren't quite sure about yet, like what style to go for, or what the best choice for your budget would be, message me with your price range and we can discuss! Generally, telling me what you are able to spend is super helpful for me to figure out what I can offer you, and I also found it takes some anxiety away from both parties - my anxiety to give you a cost estimate that you aren't prepared for and your anxiety to receive a cost estimate that you aren't prepared for, haha.
In addition, and this is important, please let me know if there is a time-frame within which you need the commission to be done so that I can tell you if it would be possible for me to complete your commission by a given date. Generally, an estimate is always very helpful for my planning.
After we have settled on commission details and agreement on a price, I will send you an invoice via paypal. For commissions above 200 € I also offer payment in installments. First half before and for the second half we can discuss.
While I'm working on the commission, I will always present you with a rough sketch first and only move on to line-art or rendering once you are okay with the draft. If the final image will be more complex or needs to be very specific, I will provide you with Work in Progress screenshots during the process.
I'm always open to making some changes and little tweaks along the way. You being satisfied with what you get is most important to me. One thing to keep in mind though - and this goes back to please provide me with enough information - if you end up requesting many changes and even re-draws during the process, I may charge extra if the commission considerably exceeds the amount of work/time I initially estimated.
In the end, you will get the final, high-resolution version and a smaller version via email. I might upload a commission to my portfolio or social media (of course only after I know that you are satisfied with the result), but not always. Of course you can specifically request a commission to be privat, and then I won't post it publicly anywhere. You can also post the smaller version to your own social media, as long as you provide credit to me as the artist and don't remove my watermark.
How long will it take?
Depending on the complexity of a commission, the number of illustrations you want me to do and the amount of other work I already have in my queue, it might be at minimum 1 - 2 weeks starting from payment until you receive the finished product, but it could also take a few months. Please keep that in mind.
If you have a specific date or time-span in mind to which you need the finished illustration(s), you need to tell me beforehand!